Tuesday 27 September 2011

First day with Invisalign / Pictures with Invisalign in

Ok, even though I am the biggest girly girl ever, I cannot stand fake nails, fake eyelashes, not because I don’t like the look of them, I love them. But when they are on my hands or my eye lashes I’m clawing at them within minutes trying to get them off, I just hate the feel of them. Having these aligners in my mouth is exactly the same feeling! They were tight when I put them on, no pain but within an hour, my teeth were throbbing and I was in immense pain. I took many painkillers but I didn’t feel like they worked. They were very painful, I could not wait for mealtime to get them off, and well that was something else all together....

Only eat soft foods when you first start wearing your invisalign

I thought I would just have some soup and every single time my teeth gently touched, it felt like I was bashing them together. I heard this is the same sensation when people are wearing bracing and they get them tightened.

At the minute it feels like I have a plastic ruler taped to my mouth, I hope I get used to these because there awful. The top aligners aren’t really bothering me I have sort of forgot about them already, the bottom are really annoying me!

One thing that did make my day, as I went to meet my boyfriend from work I walked in and he said "Have you got your braces in?" (He just calls my invisalign, braces). I said "Yes, I've got them in". His friend then said "You have braces in? Let me see!", I then gave him a little smile, he then following with "I can't see them? Have you got them ones at the back of your teeth?" It did make my day that he couldn't see them!
Here are some pictures of what I look like with the invisalign in. The bumps are were my attachments will go, I am getting these next week. If you want to see the picture on a larger scale simply give it a click and it will enlarge itself.

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