Tuesday 27 September 2011

Choosing your practitioner

Ok, you have sold it me, I want Invisalign!
After looking on the internet I want invisalign, I have made my mind up! The only thing that I am worried about is will I be suitable. In addition, whom do I go to get my invisalign? Off on to the invisalign website I went to find a dentist and a list came up with dentist that were situated near me or a couple of miles away. Picked the first one, and gave him an email.
Ok, hold up. Looking back, that could have been extremely stupid. Luckily, it was not I would not trade my dentist at all, he is brilliant. Do not go with the first person that you find, I would recommend getting quotes from a number of dentists. You want someone that is experienced; you are paying a hell of a lot of money at you don't want to get landed with someone that’s only just had their training and your their second patient. Experience means so much; it will affect your journey and end results massively. You want to get different quotes on prices, don't get me wrong if you go to someone that has had fantastic results and are charging that bit more its definitely worth it. Your teeth are in there white gloves.
I am not saying if you go with someone new, they will not have the foggiest but it is the same with everything practice makes perfect! I read one blog earlier one person did not know that he had to wear a retainer at night for the next year and he had nearly finished his treatment, he was devastated! He was his dentist second patient. Ask your dentist to see before and after pictures of patients that he has treated.
So my dentist
He is a platinum invisalign practitioner and he teaches invisalign training to other dentist. Along with teaching dentistry to other students and university and being head and director of many companies and groups. When I emailed my dentist he sent me an album of pictures of all the people's teeth that he worked on with Invisalign with Before and After shots. It was amazing, I can't post them on here because copyright and privacy for those patients.
When I first emailed him (I got the email address from the Invisalign website) he emailed me back promptly. These are the emails exchanged:
Mr Smith
Hello Shona,
Thanis for your enquiry.
I know what you mean by 'vampire' teeth. I have used Invisalign in these situations when it's not too severe. Sometimes, when it's more severe, we also use a small metal brace for a very short period followed by Invisalign. Obviously, everyone's situation is different, so it's difficult for me to give you a definite answer at this stage.
Probably the best way to find out if we can help you is to come in for a free short consultation. I'll also be able to give you a guide on likely costs and timescale at that visit.
If you would like to take advantage of this, please give Dina or Tina a call on 01121234567 and they'll be pleased to arrange a visit and send you some more information.
I'll also send you a link to a web album showing a few of our many completed cases.
I hope to see you soon!
Kind regards
Dr Smith
Platinum Invisalign Doctor
Me (Shona)
My name is Shona, and I am 19. I'm not sure of the dental term but I have "vampire teeth", the two Caine teeth are very raised, the rest of my teeth are fine. Would I be able to use invisalign or would you recommend something else? Unfortunately my appearance does mean a lot and metal braces would make me very conscious. How much would it cost for a consultation?

Thanks, Shona
After receiving the email I instantly booked an appointment, as far as I know all dentist to a free short consultation with you on invisalign, so go to as many as you please!
Next post is my free consultation   

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