Tuesday 27 September 2011

First Consultation (Free)

My dentist is the most straight talking person I have ever been to. When I visited him, I was kind of expecting him to go “Of course it will work your teeth with look fabulous, like a movie star”, but no, he was extremely straight with me. He explained to me, that the tooth that is causing me so much problem has a massive root and he can see this and its massive job even for braces. He said that it (Invisalign) would visually do the same job as braces although braces would change the root direction and does this bother me? I said but I can’t see the root though, why does it matter? He then said, “It matters to me, and to be it wouldn’t be perfect, it’s what you want, I don’t want you to be disappointed with the end result”.  He then explained what he believed the end result would be and I was still very happy with the end results and as part of my treatment and no extra cost he would shape my teeth and he said personally it would make the biggest difference as some of my teeth are so pointy. I had picked a winner, I was very glad with his honesty.

He had quoted my treatment would take around 15-18 months and it would cost me £3,000. It knew it would take this long with any kind of treatment and would cost just as much as a previous dentist had told me this she was very good as well but she did not do invisalign hence why I never went with her.

He told me that if I wanted to go through with a proper consultation it would cost me £275, although if I decided after the proper consultation if wanted to go through with it the £275 I paid would go off the whole treatment. In the consultation, I would have x-rays and they would take moulds of my teeth, send them all the way over to America and then when I next visit I would see my ClinCheck, this is a digital image/video that shows you step by step what your teeth will look like till the end of your treatment and seeing a possible happy end result.

I was hooked and booked my next appointment as soon as I got out of the dentist chair. As I left the dentist assistant walked with me and she said the ClinCheck is amazing! This made me very happy leaving the dentist waiting for my next appointment.

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